Thursday, August 25, 2011


Well school starts today and I am not realy exited. Well I am a little but...

Monday, August 22, 2011


Well school starts back on Thursday and I have 1 thing to say: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ya in a way I will like it cause I will see my friends and its a new school by its school so...                                Open house is tonight and I will be going with my friend. BOOOO school.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Last Week

Well this last week was a very good one. First we went to Florida and got to see my gandparents and get new legos. Then I got my new school schedule and it was wrong. I got put in the advandced english and math but i wasn't even tested for advanced english. And now I am having maygor Ipod problems and have to reset my password again and I hope that will work. Oh and I had to get a new battery for my phone. Man! I am having a lot of elecronic problems.Well bye......for now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Notzie Zombies

This is a good call of duty notzie zombie stratigy guide. This is for you Gabe.

A Good Video

If you hate Justin Beaber and you love weapons than these are the videos for you:

These are a few I could find WITHOUT cusing in them. This guys name is FPSRussia and he dose cuss sometimes. But not in these videos. These are just good videos for Justin Beaber haters.Well bye......for now.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I like to play softball with my dad and the church team. It is a two hour practice and it is a long and fun two hours. Sadly it is an adult league and I am only 12 but they let me practice. Anyway I am off to hang out with my friend and I will try to keep up with this thing. Bye......for now.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm sorry.

I know i haven't posted anything in a while. It just got away from me. I have a lot so say though. Recently i was in a bicycle accident with my friend, i am going into 7th grade and me and my brother still fight. My best friend had brain surgery and i got a TV and DVD player in my room. A lot has happened and it's to much to say but I will try to keep us with this thing. Thank you.